Department of Roads and Public Works beautifies Ward 4 in Witdam

Sixty two people through Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) made Ward 4 look neat, accessible and beautiful, by clearing the rubbish dumps and paving internal streets. This project is an enhancement of government's service delivery and empowers the Witdam community through job creation and poverty alleviation. 

Thirty one women and eighteen youth were afforded an opportunity to earn an income. All this work, much to the appreciation of a community member, Elsie Motlhwai who said “The paving is beautiful and very welcomed, not like before this development: we used to be inaccessible - when calling an Ambulance to collect a sick person, you’ll be told to carry them to the police station, as that was the nearest and accessible destination that we could be reached” The community is grateful for this project as it positively impacts on their commuting, raises the value of their property and gives them a sense of dignity and pride. 

The project commenced on the 1 September 2018 and will continue till the end of August 2019, with the total costs amounting to R1, 5 million. The EPWP workers received basic training in bricklaying - however their work was professionally impressive.

The Extended Public Works Programme is a blessing to many communities as it provides a number of very important work opportunities - increasing the labour intensity of government-funded infrastructure projects
