A changing organisation 


Why is the Department Undergoing Change Management?

The Premier, Dr. Zamani Saul in his maiden State of the Province Address pronounced that infrastructure development and management should be centralised under the DRPW. 

Consequently this implies the transfer of infrastructure resources (personnel, budget, and capital projects) from client departments to the Department of Roads and Public Works.

This process is also referred to as the “Remodeling of DRPW”

Which legislature governs this process?

The Public Service Regulations 32 Transfer of Functions - If the Minister makes a determination regarding the transfer of functions in terms of S(3)(4)(b) of the PSA:

The relinquishing departments shall transfer all concomitant resources, including personnel, to the receiving department.

The recipient departments shall co-ordinate the transfer and ensure that the employees’ terms and conditions for employment are, upon transfer, on the whole not less favourable than those on which such employees were employed by the relinquishing department.

The recipient department shall accept accountability for the functions on the date of the transfer.

What is Change Management?

Change management is a systematic approach that includes dealing with the transition or transformation of organisational goals, core values, processes or technologies. The purpose of every organisational change management initiative is to successfully implement strategies and methods for effecting change and helping people to accept and adapt to change.

What processes can we anticipate will unfold?

The process is three-fold and entails a:

Change Management Programme

Skills Audit Programme—Evaluating the skills, competencies of all employees.

Organisational Climate Analysis— Evaluating the Work environment (conditions that encourage or hampers employees' creative efforts).

Who is spearheading the process?

The process is driven from the Office of the HOD in conjunction with the Office of the Chief Director Corporate Service, and an Independent Business Advisor and the Office of the MEC is the sponsor of this project
