The Department completed the construction of a new clinic in Boegoeberg, Kheis Local Municipality in the Z.F Mgcawu District.

The construction of the clinic, which began during March 2022, created 22 job opportunities of which 13 is youth and 4 women and in the same vein it afforded upcoming contractors and opportunity to upgrade their cidb-status. The workforce comprised of three security guards from the local community, one Occupational, Health and Safety Officer, eight general workers including casuals, three cleaners, five labourers and one Community Liaison Officer (CLO). 

The workforce benefitted through training and development as they learned to use compacting machines, electrical tools e.g. drills, grinders, hammers while some managed to obtain a certificate of achievement in First Aid Level 01.

The old structure was demolished to make way for the construction of the new clinic. This facility is expected to alleviate the pressure on surrounding facilities and allow direct access to the healthcare by local community. Accommodation for personnel is provided for on the premises.

The main contractor, which was on cidb level 6, constructed the internal road and those surrounding the clinic according to Labour Intensive Methods (LIM’s). 

Three (3) sub-contractors that were appointed: 

A local sub-contractor (1GB) was appointed for the installation of the fence including the spikes and the paving;

A Electrical sub-contractor (4EB) was appointed for the electrical work;

A Mechanical sub-contractor was appointed for the mechanical work (6ME).

The design of Boegoeberg Clinic is accommodative of the needs of people with disabilities. The ablution facility has the assistive necessities, parking bays for wheel chair users, ramps for wheel chairs at staff houses and signage’s around the building. 

The building complies with the government mandated regulations, as the drawing was approved. Material used was South African National Standards (SANS)/ South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) approved and work done to the project was satisfactory with all building standards and regulations met.
